Let's talk about what you really want for a moment. If you are looking to leave bedside nursing due to stress and burnout, what are you willing to do to make that happen? I saw a post that someone said if you don't get CEU's or a Certification behind your name, don't pay for it. WHAT? That is the most absolute crazy thing I have ever heard. Then again, maybe that is why I have been working remotely for 15 years. I have taken countless courses in Management, Staff retention, Being a Leader, Effective communication, the list goes on and on. I don't have additional letters behind my LPN and I am totally okay with that. You know why? There is a section on your resume where you enter Training. You list all the courses you have taken that has increased your knowledge that makes you the BEST fit for the job you are applying for. Continuing your education isn't about gaining more credentials. Being a nurse is a lifelong learning process and depending on what direction you want to take your career depends on whether you are seeking out more CEU's a specific certification or just to gain more knowledge in a specific area that will move you towards your end goal.
The best way to predict the future is to create it. Is your goal to work from home as an LPN or RN? Then you are going to have show how you obtained skills in order to do that. Recruiters aren't just going to choose your resume out of 1,000 they receive for each job because you have been a nurse for 10 or 20 years. You have to have the skills and knowledge. You can read my previous blog on 7 Remote Skills to learn more about what is needed.
My point for this blog is, if you think spending a couple hundred dollars for a course that will provide training to you in order to obtain a job working from home so you can create work/life balance and sanity; then you are really just okay with being stressed out and burnt out at your current job. If you aren't willing to put in the time and money on yourself, your situation will never change and you will never grow and most importantly, you will never get the work/life balance you are seeking.
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